Thursday, March 12, 2009


The trip has been delayed a bit. It should be at least two months at this point before we actually, officially move. Whenever we are scheduled to be in the Philippines, the girls and I will leave Arizona 2 weeks or so before that point, so we can have a long visit back east before flying over. So, we could leave here in as little as 6 weeks, or maybe 2 months or maybe 3. The goal is still very much to have the office there started by early summer, though, so it shouldn't be any later than that.

In the meantime, I've been spending the last few days shifting out of full-blown panic mode with our preparations, which has basically consisted of me telling myself over and over to not pack ANYTHING ELSE all day long. I'm trying to figure out what/if I need to unpack, and get the stuff that is already in boxes organized a little better so we can still function in this house for a couple more months.

I know I will be unpacking some of the school stuff so we can get back into doing that again. I don't want the kids to have a 4+ month "summer" vacation, because they are going to forget too much stuff AND they are going to make me crazy with all the unstructured time. Bleah. My mind is completely switched off in regards to school stuff. I've been trying to get back into that mode since Monday and it's just not working.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is it, people -- MARCH IS HERE!

March has arrived, which means everything move-related is kicking into full gear. I had another yard sale over the weekend and got rid of a few big things, and there are a handful of people we know who are going to buy some stuff, but for the most part, the bulk of our tangible goods need to be packed or sold in the next few weeks. There are weekend trips to visit family to arrange. One more trip to Disneyland to be had. A is still in the Philippines for the next few days and the office site needs to be settled on and the house officially chosed.

The site for the office has changed once again. Pasig just was not going to work as far as housing was concerned, so he's moved it to another town that is a bit closer to the area we were looking to live in originally to cut his commute down a bit. He has already found one house that would definitely would for us and is in our budget, another that would work and it slightly out of our budget, and today is another real estate day, so hopefully there are some more I haven't heard about yet.

A friend is taking the girls for a few hours today, during which time, I plan to attack the office in a big way. I'd like to have all the non-essentials dealt with in here by today, which might or might not be realistic. I'm going to assume it's totally doable until I learn otherwise, because hope has power!