I couldn't get the photos onto this computer for uploading last night. In the meantime, here is a Twitter photo feed of what is going on out there.
A bunch of people in a densely populated urban area didn't evacuate in the face of a storm and are now covered in water, losing homes and livelihoods, being exposed to who knows what in the flood waters, and the government response is underwhelming while the families of those in power act like nothing major is happening.
Sound familiar?
Yeah, the death toll is only 200*. And this is happening in the Third World instead of the First. I suppose that it's their fault for being born here. They should have known better.
There is no insurance for these people. There are no unemployment benefits. There will be no FEMA trailers for them to live in. The citizens are helping those affected with time and donations of food and clothing, but there will be long term effects that require money to fix, not cans of spam. PLEASE DONATE AND SPREAD THE WORD!
*So far -- After all, the waters haven't receded yet, and the toll is leaping higher as the water goes down and rescue workers can get in to investigate. The body count has doubled in the last 8 hours and there is still a LOT of water out there. I'm guessing it will be thousands.
11 years ago
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