Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We are hoping to find a furnished house, or at least a partially furnished one, but I have been poking around on various websites looking at the prices of various pieces of furniture in case we do have to buy some when we get there.

I found The Coolest furniture maker on eBay.ph just now, and the prices are maybe 1/4 what you would pay for them here. If you want to see all his stuff (I assume it's a man, but it could easily be a business or a woman, I suppose) look here. If you want an idea of the price in dollars, divide it by 47.

Yeah. I know! Handmade furniture at cheaper-than-Target prices! w00t!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anne, I don't know if that is cheeky of me, but an american family are going back and they left some furniture for sale to our garage. Would you be interested in their list and photos? Your hubby is very welcome to come and see them.

And even if he doesn't want to buy, we would be happy to meet him and you eventually!!

Leave me a comment in my blog if you are interested. If you are not, well, I do understand, I won't be offended. (smiles!)