Sunday, May 31, 2009


This time, two weeks from now, I think we'll be somewhere in New Mexico. Being under the 2-week mark has lit a fire under my bum. I've packed 3 boxes this week; two to go, one to stay. My goal for today is 5 boxes. You would think that packing a box wouldn't take so long, but when you're trying to pack everything as compactly as possible, each box is a giant 3-D puzzle. I imagine when we get there and I start unpacking, if I pull the wrong piece out first, all the contents will burst out of the box. Maybe if I swing it right, I'll be able to aim the explosion just so and everything will land where it needs to. It could speed things up considerably.

Am I the only one who gets an inflated sense of satisfaction from finishing a bottle of various personal care products? Even without the move, every time I finish a bottle of lotion or shampoo, I give myself a pat on the back. "Way to go! You finished your Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom body lotion! Now you get to go buy more!" Woohoo! Yay for consumerism!

Sorry... I got swept up in the moment there...

Anyway, one of the perks of this move has been that it's been a good motivator to finish off all the trial-sizes and samples and half-used bottles of things that have been lurking on my shelves. Only now, the prize when I'm done with a bottle isn't that I get to go buy more: it's that I don't have to pack it! This is proving to be a much bigger thrill.

Why, yes, I did write this entry as a form of procrastination... I'll get back to work now.

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