Friday, May 22, 2009


Does anyone have a paper bag? I would like to breathe into it for a while, kthx.

No, really. I need some blood pressure meds or something. This move is making me rediculously insane.

Big yard sale this weekend is screwing with my mind. The fact that we are off-loading so much of our stuff has got me shaking in my boots. We have had 3 yard sales in the last 6 months or so. I'm ok with offloading a bit at a time. As it stands, my 10-ish by 20-ish dining room is literally half full of stuff, and all that's in there is what's left from the last yard sale, and the new gleanings from the kitchen and laundry room. And that doesn't account for the furniture that is staying in place until the actual sale.

I spend about 90% of my time in my house and almost everything that makes it My House is about to get stuck out on the lawn. I like my house. I like my things. I know that we will replace a lot of this stuff on the other side of the move, but that doesn't really register at the moment. All my things are going bye-bye!

A few days ago, the idea of starting over was a liberating thought. Right now, it's just freaking me out. FREAKING ME OUT!

1 comment:

Ernessa T. Carter said...

Look to the bright side, darlin'. Soon enough you'll be in another country and one day you'll barely remember the things you said goodbye to. Living abroad is so awesome and so few of us get to do it. What an amazing adventure. You're freaking out now, but later on in life, this move is going to pay off dividends.