Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's official.

July 1. The goal is to have the office in Manila functioning on July 1.

This means that we will be heading to DC sometime in the middle of June, and up to MA towards the end of June.

And there was much rejoicing!

It only became definite-definite today, and already my brain has clicked back into Hardcore Moving Mode. This is a dangerous thing, since Hardcore Moving Mode interferes with Homeschooling Mom Mode, and the girls already had a 6 week vacation the first time we thought we were moving. We need to keep up our 4-day a week schedule through the end of May at least, because at that point it will be 2 full months before we do school again. Must... resist... Hardcore Moving Mode...

The good thing about this delay is that it will let us get to better stopping points in their curricula before we call it quits, so when we do start up in August, we won't skip the review lessons of the texts this time around.

The downside is that it is HOT here in Arizona already, and by mid-June it will be much hotter. I think our final yard sale will actually be a come-inside-and-roam-around sale. That may be the only way we can lure people out for it!

1 comment:

katie said...

yay! i love having a real set-in-stone date for things because then i can plan, plan, plan. good luck resisting the Hardcore Moving Mode. I know I would give in.