Friday, May 15, 2009

Nothing to Do

Today, I ran out of ink for the printer. I HAVE to get more, because we have two more weeks of school left, meaning two more weeks worth of copies and worksheets to print out. I'm highly annoyed about the timing, though. Why can't everything just magically run out on the evening of June 11th?

I've run out of shortening, too. This stinks, because I'm trying to get us through enough of our baking supplies that we don't have to try selling it. I have a bunch of butter that I got on sale around the holidays in the freezer, so I guess we're going to be eating high on the hog while we use that up, because I don't want to buy a huge tub of shortening when we're only going to maybe--MAYBE--use half of it.

I wish I had a magic wand. If I did, I could change the things we have a TON of into things I'm running out of.

Hey, bar of soap! *poof* You are now a container of baking powder!

Maybe then everything would average out and I'd feel less cranky.

What am I even talking about?

Really, I just can't believe that we are less than a month away from moving out, and it's starting to stress me out in a very real way.

I have a $30 coupon for Staples for bringing in a ton of old printer cartridges. Normally, this would thrill me to no end. Now, I'm trying to figure out what I can get for $30 that will be something we can use up before we move, or won't be too bulky if it has to move with us. It's a chore.

Spending free money is a chore!! That should tell you the kind of mental state I'm in right now!!

I'm not using it for ink, I'll tell you that much. I can get a refill across the street from Staples for half the price. At least I'm still cheap. I can always rely on that!

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